Friday, December 18, 2009

3 Things Every Investor Must Have!!

Before you can enter into this wonderful world of fast cash real estate investing, you have to be able to communicate with necessary parties via their chosen methods of communication. The following things are necessary for you to do this business. To be honest with you, I don’t see any business being 100% effective unless they have at least these things.
The first would be a Phone.
I don’t care who you are, how effective you are face to face with a seller. You will never be as efficient as the person who utilizes the phone to its fullest. You will constantly talk to sellers, attorneys, lenders, agents, leads, etc. If you don’t have a phone then you don’t need to be in this business. In this business people will need to get in touch with you at a moments notice. Most of your offers will be made over the phone. Most of your deals will be put together over the phone. You need to have a number dedicated to answering your real estate calls. This way whenever it rings you have no questions about the nature of the call. You can get a phone now days for 20 dollars from your local Wal-Mart. They have prepaid phones that you buy cards for which contain your minutes. They are rather expensive compared to the alternatives but they are there if needed. There is no credit check needed, no ID required no check stubs necessary. So, if you don’t have a way to make phone calls and receive phone calls, then you had better get to work.
The next important device is the fax machine.
I want you to have a dedicated fax line that connects to a WORKING FAX MACHINE!!! Imagine that a bank representive is trying to fax over payoff letter. Imagine you have a wholesale deal that you are trying to get rid of and your prospective buyer wants to make an offer. You tell them to fax it to you. No face to face meeting needed. Imagine you want to make an offer on a property but the owner is out of town. If you plan to be a Real Estate Investor than these situations will come up and you need to be up to date with the rest of the world. Don’t get me wrong. You can do this business without a fax machine, but you will be much hindered. Your deals will take 5 times as long if you have to first class mail something, email, or jump in the car to sign something that could be faxed to you with less work.
The next important device will be a computer with an internet connection.
In the old days of Real Estate Investing a computer would not be considered a need. Now the computer can save you time with your entire communication task. It can even take the place of your phone and fax machine, because every kind of communication that you can do with a fax machine or a phone can be done via a computer. The only hang up about working with a computer is that if you have never worked with one on daily bases and don’t own one, you may feel somewhat intimidated. Guess what? Get Over It! It is a new age. You need a computer more than you need a television in today’s world. You will be using it for changing your needed forms, sending and receiving emails containing information about your deals, finding deals, finding needed resources, selling deals, marketing, etc. If you don’t have access to a computer with an online connection you are missing out on the biggest assets to your business. You can’t imagine how much information is there to help you with your investing career. Everything that you want to know about any subject is at your fingertips when you sit in front of a computer. There is a downside to it. The average person who sits down in front of a computer with an internet connection without reason seems to decrease their attention span because of the vast amount of information at their disposal. You must remember to stay focused on the task at hand. If you are editing a document for use in a deal, or you are creating a flyer for your wholesale deal, or you are sending out emails to sellers, you have got to remember to finish the task you have started. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten off track when I was trying to finish a task all because of a popup or an email with a link in it, or I think that I can just check on one more thing and come back to what I was doing. Wrong! Finish what you start and the computer will become your best friend.

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